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Camp Koinonia, Inc is a 501(c)3 organization based in New York.
Our EIN: 161205008
Our most recent financial report, and information on charitable organizations, is available from the New York State Attorney General on the Charities Registry website or by contacting New York State Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10005 or at 212-416-8401, or Camp Koinonia, P.O. Box 92382, Rochester, NY 14692.
Donate By Mail
(You can also schedule a one time or recuring bill pay check directly from your bank)
Camp Koinonia, Inc.
P.O. Box 92382
Rochester, NY 14692
Online Giving
Make a one time or recurring donation though our online giving.
Online Giving Via PayPal
Make a one time or recurring donation. Click the link for an easy online giving option through PayPal/Credit Card.
United Way Campaign
Please designate Camp Koinonia as your donor option using designation number 1515.
(SEFA) State Employees Federated Appeal - NY State Employees
Direct your donations with designation code 999-02597.